
@PropertySources(value = [PropertySource(value = ""classpath:" + DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH"), PropertySource(value = ""file:" + CUSTOM_CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH", ignoreResourceNotFound = true)] )
@EnableJpaRepositories(value = "com.tecknobit.*" )
@EntityScan(value = "com.tecknobit.*" )
@ComponentScan(value = "com.tecknobit.ametista.*" )
open class Launcher

The Launcher class is useful to launch Ametista's backend service


N7ghtm4r3 - Tecknobit


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private open fun generateAdminCode(args: Array<String>): String
Method to generate the admin code for the server instance
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private open fun getSaveMessage(adminCode: String): String
Method to assemble the save message for the SaveData exception
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private open fun hasInvalidCommand(args: Array<String>): Boolean
Method to check whether the program arguments list contains invalid commands such DELETE_SERVER_SECRET_AND_INTERRUPT_COMMAND
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open fun main(args: Array<String>)
Main method to start the backend, will be created also the resources directories if not exist invoking the ResourcesProvider routine